Saturday, November 05, 2005

Bush Doesn't Really Understand the People

I went out today after the protests here last night, and even though the Summit of the Americas is in another city, Buenos Aires still had a number of protestors marching against globalization, free trade (aka canada and the states get richer, latin america gets poorer), and in general, george bush.
A common stencil in the city.
In a stairwell to the subway: "Don't tell anyone! There are bomb threats on the subte because of bush's visit."
store front on avenida de mayo.
A small poster i found in the broken glass of a telephone booth with bush and kirchner.
Stencil on the side of a newspaper stand.
No explanation required.
The same as above in black and white.

Stencil of bush with the s as a swastika.
The street where the protest took place.
One poster against bush, another inviting people to take part in the peaceful protest in mar del plata yesterday.
sidewalk graffiti.
Telephone booth with WANTED bush stencil.

Workers cleaning the shattered and spray painted Burger King on Peru.
Go away, bush.
Someone surveying the damage to a store that occurred during protests last night.
Comparing bush and his cronies to the 4th reich in nazi germany.
Get away from Latin America, Yankees. This McDonald's, though opened today, was heavily targeted last night, with two explosives going off in front of it, and it's windows being smashed.

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