Friday, March 17, 2006

In Mar Del Plata

Homeless Graffiti
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
we came to mar del plata yesterday for the film festival which is here for a couple of weeks...we're just catching the tail end of it. (this is the same city as bush was in in november for the summit of the americas.) needless to say, things are a little more calm now...well, in the city, not really in my life. there's some tension, as both ana and i are in the middle of me deciding about leaving etc, etc, so neither of us are in great moods...she's upset thinking that i'm leaving . and i'm pretty irritable as well, actually pretty impossible to get along with, to be fair to her.

anyway, we went to see gravehopping last night, which was's a slovenian movie, and not unlike most balkan movies, it was an incredible mixture of complete desperation and sadness mixed with crazy manic moments...if you ever get a chance to see black cat, white cat, you'll know what i'm talking about...really dark movies. anyways, that's where i'm at now...

i took this picture a few days ago in buenos's better if you look at it in a bigger size. anyway that's it...i hope everyone is well. take care

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