Tuesday, March 21, 2006

alberta separation

Sunrise, Mar del Plata
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
i took this photo from the balcony of an apartment we were partying in after the actual filmfest party. It was strange...i met the director of the vienna film festival in the apartment, which is neither here nor there, but it was an interesting conversation.

One of the first things i read when we got home last night on the internet was part of a discussion group of alberta separation. what the hell is that all about? why would alberta want to separate?

ok, i know that all of these rednecks think that the feds keep screwing them over, etc, but i think we need a little perspective. WE GET BONUS MONEY from our provincial government. I just got 400 dollars for doing nothing. absolutely nothing. i don't even live there.

Your life in alberta isn't that bad.

'but they keep taking all of our money with the National Energy Program.'

who cares, we're all part of the great country of canada. don't you want to take care of other people in your country? if alberta falls, and it may when the oil runs out, wouldn't you want the rest of canada to help out, as we have done with the east coast (maybe not enough)?

'but the feds are all crooked'

ok, they've had problems. our premier is a drunk, he went into a homeless shelter, and yelled at homeless people, telling them to get a job. What kind of leader is that? Anyway, how bad off are we that we lost that money as tax payers? what i mean is, it's not the end of the world, and we didn't suffer from it. it was wrong, but i'd rather have the liberals in power, trying to correct their mistakes, than stephen harper.

what would alberta's options be if we separated? become part of the states? who says bc wants to separate? you know we'd end up another state, being exploited for our oil and natural resources. the point is, if you're unhappy in canada, you can move your family to the states. if you don't want to move, do something within the democracy that is canada to change what it is you don't like.

here's a link to the discussion forum....here

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