Saturday, April 01, 2006

nuestra gatita

nuestra gatita
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
hmmmmmm, long goodbyes are hard. what can you say...a long goodbye is better than a short one, and then you're left wishing you'd taken more time.

we went to watch a dance/theatre performance last night. we were waiting outside, and the performance was 15 mins late or so, and people were getting antsy.

we were in a really nice spot in downtown buenos aires, so i took out the camera and took some great photos. all around the patio were high apartment complexes, casting off a really nice light. i was taking a picture of one when i noticed a guy on the top terrace, looking over the edge. no big deal..i've done that on our terrace hundreds of times. i took a couple of pics of him and then moved on to other buildings.

all of a sudden, people started to scream. the guy was on the top of the railing surrounding the terrace, apparently ready to jump.

he looked back one time and leapt. it was unreal. from like 15 stories up. I was in a state of shock, and ana was screaming so hard.

just kidding back there... we went to the dance and it was good. that's all. have a good weekend.

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