Monday, April 17, 2006

ooooooooooooh, what a weekend

wild mushrooms 3
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
haven't really been around much lately, maybe needed a break...i dunno, i hate it when blogging starts to feel more like a chore or obligation than something that i enjoy doing, so, we'll see how i feel in days to come.

went to the beach this week.end, which was fantastic..fresh air, good company, and all that jazz...didn't accomplish very much, but then again, i am on vacation.

saw a douglas coupland (sp) documentary on friday night before we left called souvegnirs of was awesome, and timely. i'll admit i had wet eyes a couple of times. it was great because it didn't focus on obvious things like hockey and wolverines and igloos...

he talked a lot about his relationship with his dad, and there were clips about terry fox, brands of beer, dad's cookies, and genuine canadian stuff. see it if you get a's not a glorifying piece of propoganda telling the world why canada is fact, it's one of the few things i've seen or read that attempts and succeeds in displaying the canadian character beyond that of differentiating ourselves from americans.

hmmm, got a welcome home card from my mom...or rather, a glad you're coming home card, which was never appreciate those things until you miss them, really.

so, hope all had a good weekend with food and drink and friends, if you have them. chau for now

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