Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mt. Assiniboine

Mt. Assiniboine
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
nothing puts more self doubt, and ultimately satisfaction, than an arduous trek in the mountains. The first 2 km with your packs full of food and bodies adjusting to the weight are the most difficult...after about 3 days, your body is used to the weight, which has gone down from eating, and you feel like you actually could hike for 2 weeks straight.

We started off our trek at Sunshine Village, and crossed some grizzly bear meadows. On the way to our first destination, Og Lake, we passed several meadows, valleys, and uphill killers. At one point, which was likely about 5 pm, we reached a trailhead. We could go left and reach Porcupine campsite in 1 km, basically straight downhill, or we could move on and try to cover the 9.5 km left to Og Lake. We had already come some 13 km. But, we had our hearts set on Og Lake, and that's where we headed...

Finally, as it was getting dark, we came up over a rise, and there, in this picture above, we caught our first glimpse of the lake.,...friggin awesome, as we had had no water in at least 10 km, and ended up drinking out of a well, it was getting dark, and no one wants to hike in Grizzly Country in the dark.

So, yeah, we made it 22.5 km the first day..great feeling at the end...torturous in between.

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