Friday, June 09, 2006

and, it keeps going....

up close
Originally uploaded by dbuc.
after multiple trips to hanna and back, i've finally managed to get all of my stuff in here and to clear space for my parents, which i'm sure they appreciate. as we speak, ana is sending my updated photos of our cats...damn, those are the cutest things i've ever seen.

when i was driving back to hanna last weekend, i was between drumheller and home, when i saw a motorbike in the ditch..

hmmm,...strange...slow down a bit

hmmm...a cards strewn about...

frig, i hope there's not a guy in the ditch.

so, i stopped and called 911.

they hadn't heard anything

after 20 minutes of waiting there for the police to show up, and nervously searching the ditches for hopefully nothing, a truck pulls up and they have the bloodied guy with them, with all of his road raspberries, and not-being-able-to-walkness

i don't know, nor the police, why they never called anyone or took him to a hospital.

then we found the dead deer

motorbike vs. deer hmmmm

so, my school is a tough school.

legally, i can't say anything in particular on here, but there are some severely destitute children who have obviously had the crappiest home lives imagineable. I teach seven year olds. I've been told to fuck off, and that I suck lots. and i've taught there under a week.

go figure. You have to pity the poor little guys.

calgary is booming. not good for me...i'll never ever be able to afford a house here. the average house goes up 500 bucks per day. the average price for a house now is 400,000. condo....280,000 frig. i know

take care, all.

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